Rainey's Masterpiece, JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! Order your own double CD of Rainey's classic rock musical "Hunchback"--
now available!!
it is! The Double CD containing twenty outstanding songs written and performed by the incomparable Rainey! Inspired by the classic novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo, Rainey created
this magnificent work ten years ago, long before Disney or anyone else thought to make this huge story into a musical; now
for the first time listen to the rock musical the way it was meant to be heard! This amazing double CD is yours for only $24.99 plus 5.00 shipping and handling (Important note* International orders MUST add an extra $5.00 global s&h)
We are very happy to announce that the double-CD album of the rock musical Hunchback's great "classic rock"
music, performed by author/composer "Rainey", is now available to order now! As you scroll towards the bottom of
this page you'll find full lyrics, and many sound samples of the twenty wonderful songs of this awesome work. This "rock
opera" took Rainey many years to write, produce and record, which she did in her little studio, all by herself, with
the exceptions of some incredible guitar guest stars: Rocket Richotte on two of the cuts, "Human" and "Court
of Miracles", and Chuck Kavooras playing wonderful slide guitar on another, "Throw the Dice". As a note of
interest, Rainey reveals that she performed this work in October of 1998 under her married name "Lewis". Some of
you may know that our girl Rainey has performed occasionally as 'C. Rainey Lewis' in the Seattle area.
Rainey is a powerhouse rock vocalist of astonishing range and versatility. A 3-time winner on the TV show "Star
Search," her voice can be heard in numerous TV shows and movies.
The 20 songs on this double-CD set include guest performances by some of L.A.'s most gifted studio musicians. Two full hours
of memorable music, including R&B-flavored barnburners, bluesy barrelhouse, straight-ahead rockers, and gorgeous ballads.
The 20-page booklet includes complete song lyrics.
We have the lyrics and also samples of the music available here for your enjoyment. So scroll on down and have a listen of
a few of HUNCHBACK's fabulous songs, "Human," "Paradise," "I Could Be True To You," "Court Of Miracles," and "The Many Faces
Of Love."
I.1 Gotta Give the People What They Want Expressing the cynicism of an age when old rules and social structures are beginning to tear and crumble, this witty, frenetic
opener sets the stage for the tragic events to follow, and has obvious parallels to today's world.
I.2 Human The classic lament of society's
misfits. Quasimodo the Hunchback pours out his rage and torment at being treated as a freak all his life. "I'm human!"
he cries, then, bitterly indicating the mob "...if you call this humanity!"
MP3 "Human"
I.3 It's Paradise Seldom has any song expressed
the pure ecstasy of existence as charmingly as "Paradise." Sung by the Gypsy ingenue Esmeralda, the song combines
unbridled, childlike joy with wise and gentle instruction in the art of enjoying life.
MP3 "It's Paradise"
I.4 Shame "Where would we be without shame?"
asks this clever lampoon of Christian piety. Sung by the evil Frollo and backed up by dancing nuns, the number begins darkly
but evolves into a hilarious send-up that makes a telling point about conventional morality.
I.5 Man of Style and Substance The boastful
Phoebus, Captain of the Guards, delivers this rocking paean to himself. The perfect anthem for every self-centered egotist
one has ever known.
I.6 I Could Be True To You The scene is a Gypsy
campfire at night. The song, sung by Esmeralda to acoustic guitars, is an intimate and touching affirmation of love as a regenerative
and transforming power.
MP3 I Could Be True To You
I.7 Court of Miracles The charismatic scofflaw
known as the "King of Thieves" sings this literate, infectiously hummable song while giving Esmeralda a guided tour
of the subterranean community of beggars and con artists inhabiting the Paris sewers. The Court of Miracles is a place where
anything can happen-and usually does. "Let's have a miracle-come on and walk on water with me! Choose your own miracle-
it'll happen if you'll only believe!"
MP3 Court of Miracles
I.8 Throw the Dice A rollicking, bluesy
number energized by barrelhouse piano and slinky slide guitar, "Throw the Dice" jokes about the many uncertainties
of life, and is just plain good fun. "You're guaranteed to win or lose...but you won't know until you roll, roll,
I.9 Let Love In The Poet's plea
to Esmeralda on their wedding night is a classic pop ballad.
I.10 (Oh Let Me Be) Your Obsession
A new twist on the seduction song, "Obsession" succeeds in combining innocence and lust in a homage to male power
and sexuality combined with a fervent prayer for peace and harmony between the Universal Male and Female Principle. "Oh,
let me be your obsession. Your love's in need of expression?". Musically, the song lilts, swells, and sparkles in
a brilliant and infectious melding of Western classical and Mideastern exotic, made all the more entertaining by the Gypsy
girls' dancing.
Full Lyrics to "(Oh Let Me Be) Your Obsession"
II.1 It's A Dirty Job (But Someone's Got
To Do It) Another humorous tour de force by the sinister Frollo, this tune both laments and celebrates his distasteful
duties as society's "enforcer". With obvious relish, he metes out floggings and other tortures so "the
status quo can sleep at night." In a hilarious bit of slapstick, his feckless victims rattle their chains and join in
singing the last refrain.
II.2 Nothing Changes (Everything
Stays the Same) This song, which accompanies the public flogging of the innocent Hunchback, turns the old
cliche into a haunting dirge.
Full Lyrics to "Nothing Changes (Everything Stays the Same)"
II.3 The Hunchback's Theme (She'll Never See
Me) With heart-rending sadness, the Hunchback grieves over the impossibility of his love for Esmeralda:
"Flowers bloom where no one can see / A wounded bird will die silently / Why be born just to wear this mask? / There's
no answer; no one to ask."
II.4 For The First Time
An all-out rocker in which Esmeralda exults in her love for Phoebus.
II.5 Safe Harbor Perhaps
the most lushly beautiful of all HUNCHBACK's ballads, this love duet between Esmeralda and Phoebus uses intertwined, counterpoint
melodies to achieve its stirring emotional power. From the first verse ("It's hard to trust anyone...") to the
final refrain ("I'll be your safe harbor"), the song beautifully expresses the timeless themes of love and commitment.
Full Lyrics to "Safe Harbor"
II.6 Don't
Want To Let You Go Quasimodo pleads with Esmeralda to stay with him in the sanctuary of the cathedral. This
R&B-flavored lament could easily be at home on the pop charts.
II.7 The Many Faces Of Love
Frollo gives Esmeralda a choice: himself or the guillotine, and his twisted libido emerges as he declares his passion for
her. "The hunter burns for the hunted / Is that Love? Who can say?/Don't tell me the tiger doesn't love its prey."
MP3 The Many Faces of Love
II.8 Nothing Changes (instrumental reprise) The
ominous instrumental theme accompanies the hanging of Esmeralda.
II.9 A Place Called Home A
piece of pure, wrenching pathos, this song is sung by the Hunchback as he prepares to join his beloved Esmeralda in her grave.
Full Lyrics to "A Place Called Home"
II.10 We'll Never Be Parted
HUNCHBACK's stirring finale, this song is an anthem to the enduring power of love.
This double CD (that's two full CDs of music,
people!), two hours of incredible, original music from the heart and soul of the greatest
unknown singer, dare we say, in the entire world, Rainey! And it's yours , two full hours of Raineymusic, for $24.99. Don't delay! Get yours today!