The Backstory: After years as an unintentional recluse,
Rainey decided it was time to put up a website. She was totally unprepared and also staggered by the number of people who
wrote and requested a copy of her song "Old Enough to Rock and Roll", from the movie "Iron Eagle". It seems that many people
were disappointed that the song did not get on the album soundtrack. After being deluged with requests for the song, she decided
to try to find the original tapes. After months of searching, and almost abandoning the search, she finally found them, impossibly,
under some basement stairs at her farm. Rainey says: "I couldn't believe it, there they were,
the tapes— in a mislabeled box, way, way in the back under the stairs, under so much other stuff I had also completely
forgotten about, in perfect condition! Great big giant 24 track analog tapes, about ten pounds worth and about twenty years
old, never disturbed in their comfortable, quiet dark corner, kept at a constant 65 degrees. I took them into Seattle to have
them transferred to digital tracks, which were then later mixed using the movie for an accurate reference. I intended that
the song be everything it was in the movie and yet even better, with better fidelity and better outboard. And that intention
has been realised. The song sounds fantastic! I will be personally autographing the CDs for everyone."
The sleeve and label have been designed, and baby, we are shipping! The first 100 copies
went out last week, and to say we're stoked is an understatement. To Germany, to Australia, to England, to the Netherlands,
to Greece, even some to Romania (yeah, people, Romania rocks!),
this fabulous song is flying! And, of course, to all points north, south, east and west in the good ole United States. Fly high, people, never say die—"Old Enough to Rock and Roll" is on its way! You can still be one of
the first to purchase a CD, personally autographed by Rainey herself, of "Old Enough to Rock and Roll", just click the button

Order Yours Now!! |

This music is TOTALLY jammin', Dee!!! |
And Rainey's lyrics are included!! |
And Rainey will autograph personally |

each and every order of the CD!! |
And Now... You've
waited twenty years for this...Order "Old Enough to Rock and Roll"
from the hit movie "Iron Eagle"!! *personally autographed by Rainey herself!* It's the close-to-6-minute rocking version you've been waiting for! And
it's yours for just $9.99 plus $5.00 shipping and handling in the United States (important note*: for international shipping add $5.00 to the base shipping cost)
Order today!
Some comments from the mailbag...
just got my "Old Enough" CD and I am thrilled. This song is absolutely everything I expected it to be and then
some. I searched 8 long years for this song and now I can finally hear this in CD quality. Thank you so much Rainey for finally
releasing it!"
-Andy R.
PA "....W00T!
Totally Awesome. So nice to hear the synthesizer! The original tape used in the movie did not faithfully reproduce the
synth like the CD mix does."
Golden Valley, AZ
"Just got it in the mail today and it rocks. Sounds awesome with the
10 subwoofers and eclipse speakers. Thank you for going thru all the trouble getting it transfered to digital form
and also getting it out on cd. It's now one of my most protected cds that I have. It was worth the wait!!!! Thank
you Rainey!!!!!"
-Benny F.
Boise, ID
"Ok...wow... I don't even know where to begin. It is phenominal, genius, a masterpiece. How old
were you when you recorded this? Oh my god you can wail! There is nothing I can say to decribe the joy that finally
finding this song after about a 4 year search has brought me. I can't get enough of it. Thank you so much for the
time you put into this, for making it available to me, and for the wonderful autographed copy!
-Jason M.
Minneapolis, MN
"wooot, just got my copy delivered today,
finally a 20 year search is over!! :) Thank you sooooooo much! One very happy 32 yr
old Englishman :) -xxxxxxx "
-Darren D.
Kent, United Kingdom
"Hello Rainey! Yesterday I received my copy
of "Old Enough..." and it completely blew me away. It was just the way I wanted it for so many years. I hope
you understand how much it means to me. It all started 20 years ago in a little cinema in a small town called Tiel
where I saw Iron Eagle for the first time. Since that day I've been searching for the music from that movie, I almost
had everything except for that last song, "Old Enough..." In my humble opinion the best of them all and now
I can enjoy it every time I want. You wrote: "...it's been a long road, but we finally made it!";
I've got nothing more to add, thank you so much! "
-Bart B.
The Netherlands
"Well, what can I say? I am 20 years old, and love “I’m old enough to rock and roll”. When I
was younger my dad and old sibling got me into the Iron Eagle series of movies and I have loved this song ever since. The
CD sounds amazing; the personal autograph makes this a Great collector piece. My siblings are jealous, my dad wants it. As
a drummer and DJ I truly appreciate the work that was put into this song, the sound is great, the bass is sharp and punchy.
Truly a work of art."
-Matthew C.
Ontario, Canada
Be sure to check out Rainey's new, rockin' CD "BRING ON THE FIRE" found on the "Raineymusic" page! (Scroll up and find
it on the list on the left side of this page.) Twelve fantastic songs sung by the incredible RAINEY herself! And, as a big
thank you to her fans, an extra, bonus track, the international hit "Old Enough To Rock and Roll"-- all on this one great
album. Available to order NOW!!