People Talking 'Bout Rainey: Rainey's
the subject of a terrific new poem called "Clergy" by a wonderful writer named Ann Medlock. Go visit more of this awesome
writer's work at You'll find the part about Rainey by clicking...
And we have a link to a review of Rainey's CD "Bring On the fire" at the music e-zine site in it,
the reviewer Phillip Hardy says:
"...As a reference point, Rainey’s world-class
voice has the grit of Melissa Etheridge, the soul of Tina Turner and the sweet purity of Annie Lennox. Philosophically speaking,
if a tree fell in the forest with no one there to hear it, it was probably because her powerhouse pipes knocked the son-of-a-bitch
Hear, hear!
Find the entire article at
Pat Rodden, a local designer/engineer of the electric motorcycle among many other forward-thinking ideas, was critically
injured in a fall last April. He sustained massive head injuries, and this fund was established to help defray his ongoing
medical and rehabilitation expenses.
“A Woman In Love” Valentine’s Evening concert with Rainey
and Friends, Feb. 14th at 7:30 PM at the South Whidbey High School Aditorium, Langley, WA. Tickets suggested donation of $20.00
at Nymbols Secret Garden and Useless Bay Coffee in Langley, Island Athletic Club in Freeland, Boomerang at Kens Korner in
Clinton, and at the door the night of the concert.
You can read about Pat's story here.
News Flash! After being contacted by many fans from around the world
concerning her song "Old Enough to Rock and Roll" from the movie "Iron Eagle", Rainey made an extensive search and has located
the original tapes! She will soon post information on how to order the new extended play version of "Old Enough To Rock and
Roll" for the first time ever on CD! This will be a limited pressing, personally autographed by Rainey herself. We will be
sending these CD's out around the first of the year. Thanks for your overwhelming response concerning this song!
UPDATE!! After much drama and hand-wringing, after much
angst and slaving over hot mixing consoles, the orginal giant analog tapes have been digitally transferred and meticulously
mixed! The results, we feel, are stupendous! We couldn't be more pleased! The anticipation has been steadily building, with
emails from fans all over the world. Rainey wants to thank you all for your support and encouragement, and to let you know
she has done her very best to make sure this version is the most rocking, most awesome, and most accurate to the film that
it could possibly be.
This music is jamming, Dee!!! For CD and ordering info, go to our page "Old Enough
To Rock and Roll"!
News Flash! Rainey's written and recorded a new song, all about President Bush and the recent destruction
of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It's called "5 Days & 5 Nights", and we hope you'll give it a listen.
PC users click <here> to listen to "Five Days & Five Nights". All proceeds from this Weedfile will be donated to the Katrina
fund at Feed the Lyrics and some backstory for the song can be found in the Lyrics Link at the left side of
this page.
If you, like Rainey, are a Mac user, you can hear the song <here>. Rainey asks only that, if you like it, you might make a
small donation to the Katrina fund at Feed the
In the wake of all the recent tragedy that has occured in and around Rainey's
beloved New Orleans, there have been many bright lights of hope. One of the brightest is the Feed the Children organization,
a very fine organization based in Texas, which has a special Hurricane Katrina fund that you can find by going to the link

Rainey is dedicating all of the proceeds from the sale of her song "Five Days & Five Nights" to the Feed
the Children's Hurricane Katrina fund.
Even though the vicious onslaught
of Katrina is over, the people of New Orleans continue to struggle to make new lives for themselves. Inevitably the glare
of TV news cameras and the front-page shouting fades, but still the children and their families, the many, many lives that
remain in crisis, need our help. In the wake of the sad revelations that much relief money was ill-spent, we rely more than
ever on the good work of honest and caring people like those at Feed the Children Organization. Every fifty dollars sent to translates to three-hundred-and-fifty dollars in food and supplies! Every donation, no matter how small,
counts. Please consider giving to the ongoing relief effort, called "Operation 2006 Rebound" at We at
raineyonline sincerely thank you.