The charismatic scofflaw known as the "King of Thieves" sings this literate, infectiously hummable song while giving Esmeralda
a guided tour of the subterranean community of beggars and con artists inhabiting the Paris sewers. The Court of Miracles
is a place where anything can happen-and usually does. "Let's have a miracle-come on and walk on water with me! Choose your
own miracle- it'll happen if you'll only believe!"
The Court Of Miracles (lyrics
and music by Rainey)
(Sung by Clopin, the King of Thieves:)
Here in, this Court of Miracles
Nothing is ever what it appears to be
In the Court, the Court of Miracles
There's so much more to things than just what you see
These ruined ones used to have no hopes
All were facing down the ends of their ropes
And these homeless ones all have havens here
And the persecuted never need to fear
Here among the Miracles, Lame walk and Sightless see
In the Court of Miracles, the Beggars are the Royalty
Let's have a Miracle, come on and walk on water with me
Choose your own Miracle, it can happen if you'll only believe
Here we fulfill the old prophecies
Teaching those selfish souls the joys of charity
And the last are always the first down here
The least are the ones most dear
Those well-off worse for wear
We exhort the rich toward Heaven-high
Like the camel through that needle's eye
Assisting with their vows of poverty
And we meekly reap our own inherent fee
In the Court of Miracles, the Voiceless have a say
Every devil gets his due, and every dog his day
We're making Miracles in a modestly miraculous way
Choose your own Miracle and we can make it happen today
The stateless gain their state of grace down here
And the placeless claim themselves a place down here
The waters retain a wine-like taste down here
But the real Miracle is surviving the smell here
In the Court of Miracles, one can be anything
A poor man be a millionaire, a thief can be a king
In the Court of Miracles, the spirit of the play's the thing
Catch your own Miracle, and you'll keep conscientiously clean
You can park your crutches
Leave 'em in as much as
You didn't really need them
The cripples are the ones who don't
Come down here
They have too much to fear
Lepers change their spots here
Losers exchange lots here
No one puts on limits or labels
We only give a helping hand
Aid to the self-made man
Yeah, that's our plan
In the Court of Miracles, you get more than you see
There's so much more to Earth and Heaven
Than is dreamt in your philosophy
Let's have a Miracle, come on and walk on water with me!
Chose your own Miracle, it'll happen if you'll only believe
In this Court of Miracles, your imagination's the key
In the Court of Miracles, we'll resurrect your dying dreams!
©1998 through 2009 Treasure Island Music/ All Rights Reserved